Mac n Squash

(yields 3 servings)

Component Amount Ingredient
Squash Sauce 160g Squash

~2 tsp Onion powder
dash Garlic powder
1/2 tsp Salt
dash Black pepper
2/3 tbsp Apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Sage
dash Turmeric
dash Nutmeg
100 g Oat milk
2 tsp Nutritional Yeast
Pasta 180 g Pasta

1. Wash the squash, remove the seeds, keep the skin on, and cut into 1-2 inch chunks

2. Steam squash for ~20 minutes or until very tender

3. Place all sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

4. Cook pasta according to package instructions

5. Add sauce to the pasta and enjoy!